14.00-24 KT619 Port Tire Performs Well on Stacker in Logistics Yard

14.00-24 KT619 Port Tire Performs Well on Stacker in Logistics Yard 1

  • Usage: Ningbo Master Logistics
  • Equipment: SANY Stacker
  • Tire Size:14.00-24-28PR KT619
  • Depth of Pattern:59mm
  • Position: Front vehicles 4pcs
  • Installation date: Oct. 25th, 2019

  • Inspection Date: June 18th, 2020
  • KMs: 32492h
  • Result: 11mm tread depth left
  • Benifits:

According to the record, 11mm tread depth left (OTD: 59mm) after 3670 hours used. And the total forecast working time reached 4200 hours while other brand’s working hours is only 3500 hours on the same application.

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