Tire Case:12R22.5 KT876 With abrasion resistance per millimeter is 40,000 kilometers

Since the high quality of Kunlun TBR for steer pattern of KT876 appear in the market, we always track the performance of this tire with data. As this tire has been used for long time, its durability and anti-wear effect show the huge competitiveness of this tyre gradually. With abrasion resistance per millimeter is 40,000 kilometers, our tire of KT876 could compare with other tire of Chinese brand.

Below is detail information for our tire of 12R22.5 KT876:

Truck’s lisence no:豫R-JK379

Company name:Nanyang Xixia DeShiJie Logistics co.,ltd.

Driver’s name:Mr Ma

Route:From Yulin city in Shanxi province to Xixia in Henan province.

Bulk:mainly for coal

Truck Model:Dongfeng Tianlong

Truck Size:Semi Truck

Truck Speed: 80kilometers per hour

Total Weight:49Tons

Wheel Position: Steer Position

Road Condition: Common

Tire Case:12R22.5 KT876 With abrasion resistance per millimeter is 40,000 kilometers 1

Time for Install tire: Aug 05th,2020 Mileague:65032kilometers

Tire Serial No:2007A54094

Tire Serial No:2007B02393

Tire Case:12R22.5 KT876 With abrasion resistance per millimeter is 40,000 kilometers 2

First time tracking:Oct 22th, 2020 Mileage: 94921kilometers Remaining tread depth:15mm

Second time Tracking:Apr 09th,2021 Mileague:142285kilomoters

Remaining tread depth:14.5mm

Tire Serial No same as installed tire:

Tire Case:12R22.5 KT876 With abrasion resistance per millimeter is 40,000 kilometers 3

Remaining tread depth for Right position tire and left one are both 14.5mm,And Tire tread are flat,no eccentric wear.

Total case summary:

Tire Case:12R22.5 KT876 With abrasion resistance per millimeter is 40,000 kilometers 4

For Kunlun brand TBR of 12R22.5 KT876, tire has been used for eight month, the original tread depth is 16.5mm, remaining tread depth is 14.5mm, abrasion loss is 2mm, so abrasion resistance per millimeter could be 38626kilometers.

As you see, abrasion resistance per millimeter of our tire is almost 40000kilometers.

Most of important is that when we track our tire first time in Oct 22th,2020, our abrasion resistance per millimeter is almost 30000kilometers. But when we track our tire second time in Apr 09th,2021, our abrasion loss is 0.5mm, and mileage is 47364kilometers which is almost 50000kilometers.

From this,we could see that our abrasion resistance could be better and better as tyre has been used for more time.


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